Saturday 4 January 2014

January 2014 - First meal

First meal: omelette with garden greens
Sunday breakfast on the last day of our Christmas holidays. It is a warm, blue sky morning noisy with shrill cicada song. The cicadas have been at full volume since October. It is now the time of the Black Prince chorus - a single high pitched note is all that is in their repertoire. Empty cicada shells look like they are marching up the trees as the big bumbling creatures, released from their underground armour, take flight. This picture is of the cicada called a green grocer on a tree burnt in our recent bushfires.

Recipe for the omelette
Whisk 6 eggs (ours were laid by the Australorp chooks- thanks girls). Add chopped chives, parsley. Pour into cast iron pan (Sandra melted some ghee in the pan to stop sticking). Cook over low heat until ready. Simple and delicious.

Future blogs

Sandra's garden - as seen by Gracie, the goat
Microgreens - are they really a vegetable?

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